How music inspires fashion

  • by Offshoot Co


Music stars are influential

Music stars, regardless of their genre are going to inspire someone. This is hugely true when it comes to urban music as they will often talk about their own experiences and relate to those who appreciate and enjoy their music. In turn, being open about what their lives have been like (and how they have made changes) will inspire others around them. Fans will look up to their most favourite artists and will want to be able to dress like them (albeit on a smaller budget).

They have their own sense of style

It can feel hard to embrace your own sense of style and wear something out of the box if you are not famous. However, those who are famous are going to feel much more able to wear things that they feel truly reflect what their own personal sense of style is. Being able to express themselves freely will help others to feel that they can also take pride in wearing whatever they feel their best in.

They sign deals to promote brands

When you consider how influential a music star can be, it makes sense that brands are going to want to do whatever they can to get that particular name on their side. Celebrities of all types, although music stars in particular, are requested to work with certain brands, promoting their clothes and just generally being seen out and about in them. The brand gets some much-needed advertising and the celebrity gets some free clothes.

When music stars become fashion designers

Whilst there are some crossovers between music and fashion, over the past few years it seems that the lines are becoming even more blurred. Aside from having deals with certain brands to promote their clothes (or simply be seen wearing them) some music stars have decided to branch out and become a designer.

An example of this is Kayne West, who has set up his own clothing brand, seeing a good level of success with it.

Want to combine your love of great music with your love of amazing fashion? If you do, then you need to check out the relaunch of RTH. We started in Ibiza 7 years ago and found that our streetwear was soon welcomed not only by party goers, but by the DJs today. Over the years our style has changed and whilst we are proud of our roots, we are now spreading our wings and making an impact on the urban side.

Tagged with: Music